Customer Testimonial

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Covid-19 Survivor stories: Dr Aarushi Gupta shares her story of battle with the Coronavirus and victory along with her take-way of strength inside out

Niva Bupa

10 September 2020

Dr Aarushi Gupta, a Niva Bupa customer since Jan 2020, shares her journey of defeating Coronavirus and resuming work thereafter to help her patients recover from this deadly disease. She believes that it’s the support for one another that is required of the mankind and advocates the need to build ones immunity.

Here is what she has to say about her whole experience.

“I’m a radiologist working in Max Hospital, Saket. While I was on the COVID-19 duty, I started feeling feverish and tired.

Being well-aware of the symptoms of the Coronavirus, I immediately got myself tested.

I was COVID positive.

Overwhelmed, I gathered the strength to disclose it to my parents. I was expecting them to be as anxious and worried as I was at the time, but fortunately, they were very supportive, hopeful, and positive about the whole situation since they are doctors themselves

I was admitted in the hospital for further treatment.

I remember it being the toughest and the most difficult time of my life, where besides dealing with the discomfort from fever and myalgia( pian in muscles) , I was also impacted by isolation and uncertainty of the entire situation.

I however, tried to keep calm and a positive attitude through it all.

A few days later, I was tested again. And what a pleasant surprise it was!

I tested negative!

After a few days of rest and home care, I joined back work which I am very thankful for.

My only message to everyone is that be supportive of the people dealing with this rare virus, because even if you don’t get it someone around you might suffer from it.  Also, work on building your strength and immunity, it is extremely vital. And last but not the least, get your health insured!

I chose Niva Bupa as my health insurance partner, and I can gladly say that I made the right choice for myself. They ensured a smooth and hassle-free experience at the time of my hospitalisation. Their team was proactive and followed up well.

Invest in yourself and your health at the right time!