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What is the Difference Between Cancer Insurance And Critical Illness Insurance?

Posted On : 05 September 2023, 8 Months Ago. Blog
cancer and critical illness insurance

Navigating the world of cancer and critical illness insurance can be confusing. What types of policies are available? What do they cover? How much coverage do you need? And what should you look for when choosing a policy? Cancer and critical illnesses can strike anyone at any time, and they can have a devastating impact on our lives, both emotionally and financially. That's where cancer and critical illness plans come in.


These types of insurance policies can provide much-needed financial support if you are diagnosed with a serious illness like cancer, heart disease, or stroke. They can help cover medical expenses, loss of income, and other costs associated with your illness, so you can focus on your recovery and not worry about money.


In this interactive guide, we will explore everything you need to know about cancer and health insurance. We will discuss the different types of policies available, the benefits they offer, and the factors you should consider when choosing a policy. Whether you are a cancer survivor, have a family history of cancer, or are simply looking for peace of mind, this guide will provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision about cancer and illness insurance. So, let's get started!


Things You Need to Know

While nobody wants to think about the possibility of being diagnosed with a life-threatening illness, the reality is that it can happen to anyone at any time. And when it does, the financial impact can be devastating.


Cancer and critical illness insurance policies are designed to provide financial support in the event that you are diagnosed with a critical illness, such as cancer, heart disease, or stroke. A good cancer insurance policy can help to reduce the financial risks associated with serious illnesses. In such cases having cancer insurance can prove a protective step towards securing your finances and health if cancer strikes you.


Cancer insurance is a kind of insurance that provides a lump sum amount if you are diagnosed with a specific type of cancer. It can cover the costs of treatment, such as medical expenses, travel expenses, and other related costs. Additionally, it can also provide income replacement if you are unable to work during your treatment. The amount of coverage will depend on the policy you select.


If you are diagnosed with a specific critical illness, your insurance will pay you a lump sum payment. For instance, if you are diagnosed with a serious illness such as stroke, cancer, heart disease, or kidney failure, it can provide financial security. It is intended to assist in covering the costs of treatment as well as other related expenses.


Difference Between Cancer and Critical Illness Insurance

Though both cancer insurance and illness insurance provide financial security if you are diagnosed with an illness, there are some key differences between the two.

Cancer Insurance Critical Illness Insurance

Covers costs related to cancer treatment.

Covers costs related to specific critical illnesses.

Covers every stage of cancer, including early, major, and advanced stages.

Covers only a limited number of serious illnesses as specified in the insurance policy.

Companies typically offer a three-year future premium waiver in the event of a cancer diagnosis.

Companies may offer waivers of all future premiums in some cases, while in others, premium waivers can be obtained through riders and add-ons.



What do you Choose between Cancer and Critical Illness Insurance?

When choosing between cancer insurance and illness insurance, it’s important to consider your needs and budget. With medical costs rising year after year, healthcare insurance has become a must-have. As a result, purchasing a health insurance policy is essential.


Cancer insurance and illness insurance both are valuable additions to your standard health policy because the payouts can be used at your leisure to meet specific needs when seeking treatment for ailments. These add-ons supplement your health insurance and protect you from rising medical costs. To make an informed purchase decision, it is critical to examine each company's offering of cancer insurance and critical illness benefits.


However, just having a cancer insurance plan or a illness insurance plan will not suffice; you will also need a basic health insurance policy to provide yourself with overall protection against medical emergencies. Depending on your needs, you could select all or one of these beneficial policies from our array of healthcare options.


Wrapping Up

Cancer insurance and illness insurance are both important types of insurance that can provide financial security if you are diagnosed with an illness. It’s crucial to understand the differences between the two and to compare policies to find the one that best fits your budget and requirements. If you are looking for critical illness insurance, then Niva Bupa can help you with a number of options. With Niva Bupa, you can have the assurance that you and your family are protected if the worst happens.

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