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Side Effects of Smoking on Your Health

Posted On : 06 May 2021, 3 Years Ago. Health-wellness


Over the years we have seen constant warnings regarding the adverse effects of smoking. These have been repeatedly mentioned by government health agencies, the global medical community and cigarette producers themselves. Yet, many individuals who smoke find it extremely hard to kick the habit. Tobacco smoking is responsible for the deaths of millions world over either due to disease, health complications or cancer that can be linked directly to smoking in the long term. Stigma around smoking has done little to deter adopters of this habit.


The health effects of tobacco are only associated with serious illnesses and harmful side effects. Smoking affects nearly every organ in the body and has long-term effects on mood and behaviours as well. It causes incurable diseases and is linked to increase the chances of getting lung, skin and other types of cancers.


Broadly, the Dangers of Smoking for the Body can be Categorized as Follows:


1. Smoking and the Heart

Smoking is a major cause of coronary heart disease. The risk factor for heart attacks and strokes increases for individuals who smoke. Smoking causes high blood pressure and blood clotting. It also lowers HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) in your body. Smoking can cause plaque build-up in your arteries leading to Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD). This type of build-up prevents blood flow to limbs, organs and the head.


Smoking increases the risk of aortic aneurysms, a condition that causes the aortic walls to bulge due to the weakening of the walls of the aorta. As the aneurysm grows the likelihood of rupture increases. A rupture of the aorta can be life-threatening.


Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD), also a result of excessive smoking, prevents the flow of blood to your limbs. It can cause pain while walking and trigger sores on the limbs that don’t heal quickly.


2. Lung Disease

The effects of smoking on the lungs is well known. From affecting your throat to irritating the entire respiratory tract to causing lung cancer, smoking comprises the function of the lungs in the long term.


  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a common condition caused by regular smoking. It results from the damage to small airways in the lungs making it hard to get oxygen to other parts of the body. Smoking is the most common cause of COPD. The risk increases the more you smoke.
  • Chronic bronchitis characterized by inflammation of the airways and a cough that doesn't go away is a common side effect of smoking. Inflammation of the airways causes mucus build up and scar tissue which block the airways and trigger lung infection such as pneumonia.
  • Emphysema is caused when walls between air sacs in the lungs break down creating larger air sacs. This reduces the amount of oxygen being pumped into the blood. It weakens lung function and can lead to pneumonia. Emphysema cannot be cured but can be treated. The disease can be slowed down with proper medical intervention.


3. Reproductive Health

The ill effects of smoking on women’s health are widely known. But smoking can impact the reproductive health for both men and women. Smoking makes it harder for women to conceive. Continued smoking during pregnancy affects the baby’s health. It can cause -


  • Preterm delivery or stillbirth
  • Low birth weight
  • SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome)
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Orofacial clefts in infants


It affects the fertility in men as well, by reducing sperm count. Smoking is also linked to lower libido in men and women, reducing sexual satisfaction.


4. Cancer

Smoking tobacco is the leading cause of many types of cancers. It can cause mouth cancer, stomach cancer, pancreatic cancer, cancer of the kidney, cancer of the larynx and pharynx and cancer of the colon or rectum. Deaths linked to smoking are usually caused due to severe and advanced stages of cancer. Cancer treatments and the physical and mental toll of cancer can place a huge strain on not just the patient but the families and communities around them.


5. Other Side Effects

Apart from diseases caused by smoking, the other side effects of smoking include:


  • Destruction of the structure of skins cells leading to poor skin quality and in some cases even skin cancer
  • Dulls sense of smell and taste
  • Ability to see properly reduces
  • Lower immune response to infections and diseases
  • Shortness of breath
  • Fungal infection beneath the nails
  • Anxiety, mood fluctuations and addiction
  • Reduced blood flow which affects the body’s ability to heal



The risk of smoking far outweighs the pleasures that can be derived from it. Even once you quit smoking, there are certain withdrawals that the body experiences in the immediate aftermath, especially the respiratory system. Health risks associated with tobacco smoking can even lead to death in severe cases. The health risk and financial costs of smoking should encourage you to ditch the habit today.


Maintaining a good healthy lifestyle by eating right, eliminating harmful habits such as smoking and daily exercise, yoga, meditation or even a brisk walk offer umpteen benefits for both the body and mind. Getting quality health insurance is another way to secure the health of your family. Select health insurance as a preventive measure against all kinds of diseases and treatments. From hospitalization expenses to tests and health check-ups, insurance covers it all at an affordable health insurance premium. Cashless mediclaim policies allow you to focus on yourself and loved ones in the times of health emergencies.

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